Critical Mass

I had a great time at the most recent Critical Mass in Davis. I'm bummed and stoked at the same time that it will be my last for a while. The bike culture here rocks and the people are universally interesting. I love you Davisites! The town is perfect to just cruise around with my retro cruizer rescued from certain demise when I recovered the beast from a campus dumpster. The Bike Church was instrumental in the process, as was a lot of patience. I'll miss cruizing the flatlands with those giant baskets but given the nature of the upcoming journey, that's okay with me - I'll be cycling in the beautiful country of Mexico in a short time.
You totally don't need those Malaria pills. Even if u were to get it, here in LA it's not the deadly kind. There is however a cheap travelers insurance which u might want to look into called World Nomads - Austrailan I think. I got the health insurance when I came through these parts last year and u can insure items also, like your bike (probably a good idea) Okay and dammit, ride your asses down here to Honduras, remember ol' Sara Schaefer? I'm so glad to here u guys are doing this! Hell maybe I'll come over and see you in Guate. Stay safe!
8:15 PM
Thanks for the advice - but Honduras seems kinda far...
11:46 AM
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